Do you enjoy the holiday season?
The holidays can be a great time for families. Although, it can be stressful for individuals on the autism spectrum. Here are some tips to help an individual with ASD get through the holidays:
When traveling for the holidays, always be prepared with favorite things. It can be favorite foods, books, toys, and etc. It helps calms stressful situations.
When facing difficulty with changes in the house, gradually put up decorations in the house. Develop a visual schedule of decorations that will be added each day in the house. For example, setting up the menorah up by the window for Hanukkah on the first day of the month, or setting up the Christmas tree for Christmas first day of the month. Engage individuals with ASD in the process, so they are aware its the holiday season.
Create a calm space when feeling overwhelmed with events or visitors in house. Teach an individual with ASD to go to their calm space when feeling overwhelmed, or teach signals to let them know to use the calm space when feeling overwhelmed. Calming activities, such as calming music or stimming toys, should be placed in the clam space.
When purchasing gifts for the holidays, purchase gifts that will be beneficial. Individuals with ASD need things that will help them in the world. For example, purchasing as puzzle that teaches individuals with ASD to problem solve, since problem solving is an important skill to apply in the world. Gifts should be favorable while providing a purpose. Here are some more gift ideas to get for an individual with ASD:
Sensory toys
Weighted blanket
Noise-cancelling headphones
Coloring or drawing books
Above all, know the individual. Make sure to understand the tolerance level for noise and sensory. Be aware of situations an individual with ASD can handle, and things that will make the holiday season more enjoyable for them.
What other tips do you have to get through the holiday season? Share your thoughts in the comments section!