What is response-to-intervention (RTI)?

Response-to-Intervention (RTI) is a multi-tiered model approach with interventions and services at different levels of intensity based on a student’s academic, behavior, and social challenges. There are three tiers in RTI:
1. The first tier is the primary tier. In this tier, all students are involved, and the general education teacher provides effective instruction and classroom management.
2. The second tier is the secondary tier. In this tier, students with some level of academic, behavior, and social difficulties are provided with specific services in small intervention groups. It is more teacher-centered instruction with more frequency and duration of instruction. It is important to know that students in this tier can still learn the same curriculum as the primary tier students.
3. The third tier is the tertiary tier. In this tier, students with academic, behavior, and social difficulties receive intensive interventions with continuous progress monitoring.
No matter the tier level in the RTI program, all students can learn in general education settings while receiving support based on their individual needs.
Is response-to-intervention implemented in your school as an educator or in your child's school as a parent? Do you think this intervention helps students improve their skills? Share your thoughts in the comments section!