Did you know behavior intervention plans (BIPs) are part of a student's IEP no matter the kind of behavior plan it is, from school based to an intensive one created by a behavior specialist or analyst?
Let me explain! To start off, there are many different kinds of behavior plans. When followed in an MTSS/ RTI framework process, schools begin with a school-based behavior plan. A school-based behavior plan consists of tier 2 and 3 behavior interventions. Interventions can include building positive relationships, waiting, asking for help, asking for a break, providing choices, earned free time, request for specific item/activity, etc.; this all depends on the function or reason for the behavior(s). A school problem-solving team creates the school-based behavior plan before referring to their behavior analyst or behavior specialist assigned with their school. Data is collected from school staff for four to six weeks to determine if the interventions at tier 2 and 3 mix are effective or not. If not, then an intensive, individualized behavior plan is created from the behavior analyst or behavior specialist in which includes tier 3 interventions only. No matter the behavior intervention plan created, school based or intensive behavior goals must be in a neurodiverse student's IEP. As soon as a neurodiverse student is placed on a behavior plan in general, then behavior goals are required on an IEP. It helps schools keep track of students' individual progress when looking at the student as a whole learner.
Any questions about this process and/or about behavior plans on IEPs? Share your questions in the comments section!